Cisco Catalyst Access Point Updates with Fred Niehaus

Listen up marketing people out there in the Wireless LAN community…

“We need more presentations like Fred Niehaus!”

I’ve been a delegate at many Tech Field Day events, and have watched of the presentations of Mobility Field Day and the prior Wireless Field Day events. So with that in mind… please… Marketing people – get your BEST engineers to present at events.

Your audience with thank you, they’ll talk about your presentations, and rave about your products.

There is a huge difference between presenters who talk from a place where they are already experts in their field, don’t use marketing jargon, and LOVE what they do.

The results are the delegates love the presentations, those watching the video presentation live love the presentations, and the long tail of video watchers after the event want to come back for more.

OK, I get it. There have to be sales come of all things marketing spends their budgets on. That is just the business model we live with. So, I get it. You need to sell stuff. Fine – figure out a method to track sales from when your best engineers talk…

Fred uses slides to show the various features and benefits of the announced new access points.

Like this one focused on size:
But he also used reference charts we can all use to help support our Cisco installs, like this on PoE capabilities:
Or a table of approved antennas:

But it wasn’t only the sharing of well-supported, and well-documented data in easy-to-read format… but his PASSION was evident.

Sure, Fred is known for throwing things to show their durability – but that is just an outward manifestation of his passion.

The backdrop to his workspace shows his love for all things RF – we even tempted him into talking a bit about his HAM Radio thoughts as well as those on the Cisco access points he loves.

In this presentation, Mr. @ohiofred is speaking directly to the hearts of Wireless LAN Professionals everywhere – emphasizing it IS all about the RF!

Thanks to Cisco marketing folks being @cisco and the entire #MFD team for bringing one of the best ever presentations to the Wi-Fi community.

Here’s Fred’s Presentation: