Ultimate Wi-Fi Design Consideration Guide (Infographic)

Use this as a quick reference guide as you plan your next Wi-Fi Design.

This guideline was developed based on a presentation by Darrell DeRosia. During his presentation at the WLPC 2017 Phoenix Conference, he spoke briefly on the topic: Understanding WLAN Capacity Limits. His presentation highlighted the core to understanding WLAN capacity limits & throughput capabilities in both technical and non-technical terms and the client impact to the network performance as a whole.

Based on his presentation we have created this infographic to pinpoint key requirements to consider as you plan your Wi-Fi Design and Capacity Limits for clients.

You can view the full video here: Understanding WLAN Capacity Limits | Darrell DeRosia | WLPC US Phoenix 2017


Ultimate Wi-Fi Design Consideration Guide (Infographic)
Darrel DeRosia

Darrell DeRosia is a Senior Principal Engineer at Comcast focusing on Wi-Fi data analytics and performance for xfinitywifi.  Darrell has extensive experience deploying Wi-Fi for carriers, in large venues, hotels and other multi dwelling units.  His research interest relies heavily on creating a seamless user experience no matter what obstacles are in the path.